Monday, June 1, 2015

Day One/Day Two

Cory: And so it begins; the great Dow Dubray German adventure. Just one short week out of high school and ready to hit the road. Escaping a devastating loss in the Division II Missouri High School Lacrosse State Championship, Elliott, Grant, Parker and I, began our journey on May 31 in St. Louis. Each carrying one backpack for our three week trip, we flew from St. Louis to Chicago then on to Frankfurt. Preparing for the more relaxed drinking age we tried and succeeded to get served on the plane without being carded. It was only upon ordering a second drink that the flight attendant realized he should ask if we were 21. His fears were quickly dispelled as I gave a serious "Yes." Somehow almost all of the seat back TVs were broken on the plane so only a select few people were able to watch anything. I have to say it probably worked to our advantage though because none of us had much to distract us with and were all able to get a few hours of sleep.  Upon arriving in Frankfurt we were greeted by the Saubert family (my neighbors in Germany when I lived here) who brought us back to their house in Kirrlach.
Don't worry, they had beer waiting for us in the car. When we got to their house we were taken to our room and got settled in. Soon after we were treated to a delicious meal of goulash and spatzle with a side of beer. Following the meal we went for a walk in Kirrlach. Having not been here for close to 10 years, it was weird how much smaller everything was to how I remembered it. Unforunately it has been rainy and overcast all day however it is still very beautiful here. I'm currently sitting at the computer right by the window and am able to see the roofs of the houses nearby, much different from roofs one sees at home. And although it may be overcast, there are birds out chirping, I can hear church bells in the background, and the adventure has just begun. In a little bit we are heading to Speyer for the evening so I'm going to try and take a quick nap. We will keep you updated with whats going on later.

Update: our nap took two and a half hours rather than just a half and we did not go to Speyer. I was expecting this to happen unfortunately... After waking up we ate a small dinner with the Sauberts consisting of fresh bread, ham, pickles, and beer. After hanging out at the table for a while the four of us went on a bike ride around the town and got some ice cream. The town was cool at night and it was pretty nice out. Good first day hoping it doesn't go by too fast. 

P.S. So far there has been zero fighting between anyone. Place bets on how long this lasts.. should be interesting. My money is on tomorrow between Elliott and Parker.

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